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Greyhounds don’t know sporting Inequality

The persistent struggle for women to be equally recognised alongside their male counterparts across the sporting spectrum is an increasingly warm debate amongst worldwide governing sporting bodies at present.

There remains much ground to cover in terms of equal pay and media coverage but while so many ladies sporting bodies continue trojan work in the search for parity, there is ONE sport which has never taken any side in the war of the sexes.

From first day, and every day, to today, Greyhound Racing harbours no such divide between male and female participants, not even amongst the canine stars of the sport on track!


Yes, there is a Derby and Oaks but while the Oaks is confined to the ladies, all greyhounds of any sex can contest the Derby. (Actually, is that a little unequal in favour of the girs?! 😉). In fact, in Ireland at present, the undisputed champion of the sport is a girl, Susie Sapphire, who is the current title holder in both the Derby & Oaks!

Ownership, breeding or training of greyhounds harbours no advantage for male or female nor is there an impediment to either sex in becoming involved in the sport. All contest the same races, for the same prizemoney and entirely unsegregated.


Women and men contest their greyhound sporting careers in front of the same watching audience, the same media reporters, the same sponsors and the same governing bodies.

Greyhound Racing has been in a state of equality for generation on generation and as such is a beacon for fairness in sport, a parity which so many other sporting counterparts will continue striving to achieve, possibly for decades to come.


For sporting ladies who want to compete on the most level playing field of all, Greyhound Racing will always offer that opportunity; For, in equality terms, Greyhound Racing is unrivalled.

Our “Oaks Class” design honours all the female participants in greyhound racing and is available on all products in the shop

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